I'm so tired of the stumble I've been calling walk. I've so tired of the mumble I've described as talk. Now I think it's time I lose myself in the One who found me here.
I've been listening to this cd Somedays by Matt Wertz while I've been sitting here reading and thinking tonight. I listen to Matt when I drive a lot because his music is relaxing, heart-felt music that makes me consider my life in new ways through the stories he tells in his songs. Whenever I listen to the lyrics above, I think about how I so easily fall into talking about my walk with Christ. Can I really call it a walk? And then to realize that most of the words I have during my day are really just a mumble. They are so unsure and on the surface. They aren't saturated with a love for Christ and his sacrifice for me on the cross. It's so refreshing to just be able to stop and say, God, I can't walk. I can't even find words. And I'll never be able to walk or have words until you come and live your life in me.
In another one of Matt's songs, he tells a story about a beautiful garden:
My garden was once my favorite part of this town
It's beauty overshadowed all the others in this place
You see I hired a man to care for it and keep it that way
He was the best gardener around.
But soon my old pride got to thinking
About doing this job on my own
I fired the man who perfectly kept it
And that's when the weeds started growing
I've tried all the external fix-it remedies
And I've exhausted every ounce of my own strength
But until I dig down deep enough to find the root
All I'm doing is yanking out the weeds
I am reminded by this to consider areas of my life where I am trying to yank out weeds and merely fix the external while my heart remains unchanged. Only Christ can be the gardener of my heart and bring genuine change at the roots.
Do not let your adorning be external...but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious. 1 Peter 3:3-4
I know this was written specifically to wives but the principle behind it is so true! It makes you want to forget about the external things and long for Christ to make you beautiful on the inside, in your heart. When I come before the cross and consider Christ's finished work, how it humbles me and makes me wonder why I try to do things on my own. Lord, help me to surrender each day to the change you want to bring in my heart. Help me to let go of all the external things I am trying to hold on to.
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