Saturday, November 18, 2006

This Man

Would you take the place of this man?
Would you take the nails from his hands?

Ha, I was confused by this song as I was listening to it. I really like the tune and so I would be singing along really loud but I felt silly since I didn't really understand it. I did some pondering though and when it hit me I was like, wow.

Why would we want to take the place of Jesus?
And why on earth would we try to pull the nails from his hands while he hangs crucified for us?
It seems silly.

And it is, in a very serious way though. When I try to accomplish my own work to save myself or appear righteous before God, this is what I'm effectively doing. Out of pride, I'm trying to to take out the nails of Christ's finished work.
I like how Keith phrased it last Sunday when he said that we try to smuggle our works into God's grace. I guess this is what God is trying to show me so that my identity will be more secure in Christ. To try to take Christ's place is an ugly thing and it is something I've been guilty of a lot recently.

Lord, do you work in me that I may rest secure in you.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Long Embraces

One of my roommates got back from being out at sea for a few weeks this past Thursday. He seemed very at peace being back which was nice to see. He surprised me later that night by coming into my room and giving me a hug. When people give me hugs, usually I'm just thinking about when the hug is going to end. My friend, Monte, is notorious for long hugs and I think my time spent with him prepared me for this particular moment when God taught me something. At first, when Eric first hugged me, I was like, "Okay, love you bro...", but then he just kept on hugging me. Something snapped inside me and I began to think about how much I loved Eric and I began hugging him back. I know it might be considered weird to write in such detail about hugging another guy but this is important. The song, 'Child Of God', in the previous post, has a line that says, "Your arms enfold me, 'til I am only a child of God." This reveals that such long embraces are so crucial in forming our identity and having it completely in Christ.
I need more long embraces with my friends but more importantly, I need more long embraces with God. Prayer can be viewed as an embrace with God. The feeling is the same when I pray. Like when I hug someone, I am tempted to pull away after a few moments of prayer rather than forcing myself to deeply linger with God. An embrace is a such a sweet an meaningful thing. I wonder that I should hesitate to share them with my Savior.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Child Of God

With every breath, with every thought
From what is seen to the deepest part
I offer all that I've come to be
To know your love fathering me

Father, you're all I need!
My soul's sufficiency
My strength when I am weak
The love that carries me
Your arms enfold me, 'til I am only
A child of God

WIth every step on this journey's walk
And wisdom's songs that the soul has sought
I give myself unreservedly
To know your love fathering me

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


A profound quote from 'The Wedding' by Nicholas Sparks,

But love, I've come to understand, is more than three words mumbled before bedtime. Love is sustained by action, a pattern of devotion in the things we do for each other every day.


How true. Love is sustained by action.

I find that indeed I can have all the good intentions and think all the loving thoughts in the world but if I do not act consistently and purposefully, then love will not be sustained. I can apply this to my friendships, to my family, to my future marriage, and most of all to my relationship with God. As I live out my relationship with God in love, I must be sure to sustain my love with action. I want my love for God to increase and this is impossible without acts of love even and especially when I'm less likely to feel inclined. Jesus could have told God that he loved us all he wanted when he was praying in the garden before being crucified. If Jesus didn't submit his will to God though and take action despite his feelings, then Jesus' love for us never would have been fulfilled. I was pleasantly surprised to read something so profound and true from Nicholas Sparks. I need only think on times that I have failed and succeeded at loving someone. Yes, truly love is fulfilled and sustained by action.