I just finished a wonderfully encouraging and challenging book by Francis Chan called "Crazy Love". You can see the two arrows on the front cover, one pointing up and the other pointing down. His main theme is that when we come to terms with the God of the universe and the magnitude of his love for us, it should cause a response of love that is as crazy as the love shown to us. He is very helpful at pointing at scripture and asking us to match up our lives to it and have our lives be a response to God's love. He encourages us to go from being lukewarm Christians to being Christians who are obsessed with God. I was convicted in so many ways especially in how I spend my money and my time and what I plan to do with my life. After reading his book, I have been encouraged to fall more in love with God. I want to be crazily in love with Him. I want to do whatever God wants to give my life away, to give my money away, to give my time away, all for His glory. If this is to happen, I know I need Him to do a work in my heart.
Lord, how I need you! I want to change, Lord. And how encouraging that me typing this is even proof of you already stirring my heart. Let there be more than words Lord, but fruit. I want to enjoy You as my treasure and find my satisfaction in You. I want to love You more than anyone or anything. I want to to be willing to sell everything to buy the field where your treasure is. Do a work by your Spirit, Lord. I need you and am desperately poor without You. Let this be my prayer every day as I realize more and more that all I have is yours.
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