Monday, November 13, 2006

Long Embraces

One of my roommates got back from being out at sea for a few weeks this past Thursday. He seemed very at peace being back which was nice to see. He surprised me later that night by coming into my room and giving me a hug. When people give me hugs, usually I'm just thinking about when the hug is going to end. My friend, Monte, is notorious for long hugs and I think my time spent with him prepared me for this particular moment when God taught me something. At first, when Eric first hugged me, I was like, "Okay, love you bro...", but then he just kept on hugging me. Something snapped inside me and I began to think about how much I loved Eric and I began hugging him back. I know it might be considered weird to write in such detail about hugging another guy but this is important. The song, 'Child Of God', in the previous post, has a line that says, "Your arms enfold me, 'til I am only a child of God." This reveals that such long embraces are so crucial in forming our identity and having it completely in Christ.
I need more long embraces with my friends but more importantly, I need more long embraces with God. Prayer can be viewed as an embrace with God. The feeling is the same when I pray. Like when I hug someone, I am tempted to pull away after a few moments of prayer rather than forcing myself to deeply linger with God. An embrace is a such a sweet an meaningful thing. I wonder that I should hesitate to share them with my Savior.

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