A son's relationship with his mother is one of the most interesting there is. It's addressed directly in the Bible when Genesis 2:24 says, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." My relationship with my mother resembles that of any son who has no idea what he's doing with his life or how to prioritize his time and relationships in light of eternity. As a result, my relationship with my mother has fluctuated, the greatest separration forming during my adolescent years. The desire to "leave" surfaced suddenly and passionately but of course what I would hold fast to instead was likely to be questionable in its worthiness. As I have grown a little older, I have realized my mistake and have drawn closer to my mother. It's not easy, I won't lie. It's not easy because I'm sinful and have a rebellious nature. Thankfully, God's grace, bought for me at the cross, has power that extends to meet me in my need. I know I will never be the perfect son but I hope I at least will be able to give her more of the love that she deserves.
There are so many things that I love about her. She is fun and spunky, she can dance, she loves playing speed scrabble and boggle and is really good at them, she is good with money, and lastly, she's not afraid to tell me when I'm wrong! I know it's not always pleasant to be confronted but that's what true friends do. They tell you the truth about yourself and naturally, this is not always good. :)
Mom, thank you for all your constant love over the years even when my love was foolishly wavering. You have been faithful to me and I look forward to having you as a friend as I walk through the coming years.
What a beautiful tribute to your wonderful mother. Thank you for sharing from your heart and for so clearly pointing to God's faithfulness and redeeming grace as it has played out in your relationship with your mom over the years. God bless you, Patrick!
~ Lizzy
Honestly, Dad's blog sounds better, but mine is true. Boys have to separate from their Moms to become men but it still hurts! i am still trying to understand the concept of respect w/ boys and mirroring that to them so they don't marry someone who puts them down. I don't want them to think that is normal. Prayers are still solicited in this regard! Thanks! MOM
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