Can you believe it? I actually am doing a post full of pictures on my blog! I think it's clear that I love to write and share my heart but yes I agree, sometimes pictures are just fun. Actually, my didge camera broke forever ago and I am about to get it fixed so hopefully this will only be the beginning. Now, I think it's only fair that some of you people who post 53 pictures (or whatever the maximum is) on each post need to start writing a little bit and sharing your heart! Please, just a little? :)
Okay, so I was looking through some old pictures tonight which sparked the idea for this post. It was crazy because I have been so many different places and had such different friends each time. Each time has been sweet though and it's just crazy how the Lord has rocked my world and shown his faithful and measureless love! Yeah, God you are amAzing!!

Here are some snapshots back in time that just make me plain smile. The picture above is me on my first ship and my facial expression pretty much says it all. The picture makes me laugh though because I would have never pictured myself in such an environment. On a ship! Crazy!
This next one was a little scary at first but exciting. Me and my roommate Dan made a sign that said "Free Prayer" and took it walking around the mall. We got turned down a bunch but we also got to pray with so many more people than we expected. One girl who I didn't expect to want to pray, was crying by the end of our time praying with her. Totally sweet and eye-opening...

This next picture is me being a velociraptor shortly after I moved down to Norfolk. The raptor used to be more prevalent with many sightings each month but is now endangered and only making rare appearances. Frankly, I view this as a travesty even greater than the manatees' looming extinction. I think I need to bring the raptor back.

Hooray, these are some of my most amazing friends from the Academy who I had so much fun together with, going out to coffee, dreaming about the future, taking random adventures with, and loving Jesus together!

There's nothing like a rest stop on a road trip for a few drinks to stay awake. :) This is my friend Jefferson, a fellow raptor who probably made me laugh more than anyone at the Academy.

Maybe the funniest coffee shop trip I have made. Me, David, and Beka would meet up in Northern Virginia randomly and just have fun times hanging out. This particular time, the only table left in Caribou Coffee was the kids table which, of course, we were more than glad to take, as it came with toy animals and a chalk board to draw on. I forget exactly what we drew but I think we did a pretty good job drawing together.

I spent four years on the squash team at the Academy and over the course of my time there, I learned how not to throw my racquet when I lost and how not to hit my coach with a snowball at a rest stop.

Monopoly! Yes! One of my favorite games! The game has been known to ruin friendships except when you are playing with people who are actually mature and known when is the time to flip the board over and when not to. Sometimes, I think it's better to flip the board over and hopefully save your friendships. Okay, I won't lie, so this may be the sweetest group of people I have played Monopoly with.

This last one was on my missions trip to Romania, the second time I went. This picture doesn't fully capture the sweet fishing sunglasses I had on that even blocked the sun from the side, but I mainly wanted to capture Daniela, the girl on the right who approached me asking questions about the Gospel one night after our leader did a presentation. The next morning when we were at a church, she went and knelt down and prayed to love and serve Jesus. That definitely makes me smile.

That's it for now! Now for a rousing chorus of "Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow"! I am so thankful for each place God and has brought and all the different people he has put in my life!