Ah yes...the line at the end of 'Pride and Prejudice' spoken by Elizabeth to Mr. Darcy.
My friend Katy thinks that this line is really dumb and random. I always felt inclined to defend the line even before I really understood it. I thought before that Elizabeth really didn't know what to say and that's all she could think of; something simple that showed she cared about him, maybe. Watching it recently though I kept noticing how the movie focused on Darcy's hand.
First, when he helps Elizabeth into the carriage near the beginning of the movie, you see a close-up afterwards of his hand quivering. The second time, I forget exactly where it is but I remember another close-up of his hand towards the end of the movie when he and Elizabeth keep running into each other. Then finally at the end of the movie when Elizabeth and Darcy are in the field and Darcy says, You have bewtiched me body and soul. Elizabeth takes his hand and stares down at it and says, Your hands are cold. The whole movie, Darcy's hands have been focused on and no doubt they are numb and cold and he is wondering at this strange new feeling of warmth that is making his hands quiver. After Elizabeth reaches out and tells him, Your hands are cold, the camera focused in on her hand on his and just over the hands the sun is shining, no doubt warming both of their hands.
Not random at all. Beautiful:)
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