Friday, September 29, 2006


Autumn is a lovely season. Things start to get a little colder and you might start getting the sniffles. You drive down the road and see leaves changing colors and all the while you have the holidays to look forward to, time with family and friends. Autumn is a time of year when I love most to have a good cd mix in my car, full of songs that make my heart swell with love for my Savior. Once upon a time I would send out cd mixes to all my friends, which certainly was an investment in padded envelopes and stamps, but in the end was well worth it. So after making some mediocre cd mixes over the past couple years, I finally have made one that I want to share with all you and I certainly hope blesses you during these beautiful autumn months.

Now you might be sitting in your chair right now thinking, "Man, I think I might want to get this cd." Many of you I will be contacting to get your mailing addresses but as is always the case, some people slip through cracks of my rapidly aging mind. If you want to make sure I don't forget about you, please send me a message on facebook or email me or whatever you do and let me know your mailing address.

The song I wrote out on the previous post, 'Come You Saints' is actually a preview of a cd mix that is in the test drive mode and is set to release in winter of 2007. These two cds will be leading up to my "multi-month deployment on my ship extravaganza" which will involve me going out on my ship for 4 to 6 months and floating around in the ocean. There will no birds chirping and flowers sprouting up. Summer will come and go with the wind. My life will be lost in the sleepy lull of the ocean waves as they pass by my ship. Until I am lost in this oblivion, I will be driving, listening to music, praising God as he is displayed in his creation, and thinking of all of you. I hope to hear from you guys and I hope the cds make the coming months all the more special :)

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