Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Your Love Is Strong

I need a strong love. I crave such love in the bottom of my soul. I desire so badly to be loved strongly and to love strongly in return. I listened to Jon Foreman's song, "Your Love is Strong" recently and I have been singing the chorus over and over the past couple days. His love is strong! My love is weak and it falters and wavers when tested. His love is strong though. It remains consistent, stable, strong, and steadfast through everything that could possibly come in its' way. I have been asking God to teach me to love and He's teaching me that I have to get all my love from Him. I have no love of my own to give. Charles Spurgeon writes,

"How great the wonder that such as we should ever have been brought to love Jesus at all! How marvelous that when we had rebelled against Him, He should, by a display of such amazing love, seek to draw us back. No! never should we have had a grain of love towards God unless it had been sown in us by the sweet seed of His love to us. Love is an exotic; it is not a plant which will flourish naturally in human soil, it must be watered from above. Love for Jesus is a flower of a delicate nature, and if it received no nourishment but that which could be drawn from the rock of our hearts it would soon wither. As love comes from heaven, so it must feed on heavenly bread. It cannot exist in the wilderness unless it is fed by manna from on high. Love must feed on love. The very soul and life of our love for God is His love for us."

I love that image of the flower needing heavenly water. Now I know that if I'm ever to be able to love Jesus or others it is because of God's love for me. All of my love comes from Him. I want to drink of his love, to swim in it, and to have it consume my life! Jesus, your love is strong! Your is love is strong! Your love is strong! I love you so much but only, I know, because your first loved me. :) May I know your love strongly in my life so that I may love you strongly in return and pour out your love on others.

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