Monday, May 19, 2008

Coming Before The Lord

I am finishing up a month-long period out at sea this week and there were several Sundays that passed by during that time. Whereas in the past I found myself wishing I was back at my home church, this time I was amazed by the Lord each Sunday on the ship. I have been leading a Bible study/discussion time each Sunday with whoever shows up and the focus of each of the times has been how we come before the Lord. I'm sure there is some doctrine that lists out the key points in how and in what mindset we come before the Lord but I merely wanted to spark discussion and get people talking practically about how they come before the Lord on the ship. The Lord was gracious just to give me ideas and verses to talk about each week. Each Sunday I was left humbled and amazed by things the Lord gave me to share and things that He gave others to share as well. Everyone left so encouraged each week by the Spirit and the Word. It was so wonderful as well to see these people around the ship during the week and be able to encourage and be encouraged by them. I am going to write a series of posts about stuff we talked about each week. I hope it is encouraging. This past week we talked about coming boldly to the throne of grace. It made me think of this hymn that I love! I love that verse from Hebrews 4! "Let us then with confidence draw near..." :)

Come boldly to a throne of grace,
Ye wretched sinners come;
And lay your load at Jesus' feet,
And plead what he has done.
"How can I come?" Some soul may
"I'm lame and cannot walk;
My guilt and sin have stopped my mouth;
I sigh, but dare not talk."

Come boldly to the throne of grace,
Though lost, and blind, and lame;
Jehovah is the sinner's Friend,
And ever was the same.
He makes the dead to hear his voice;
He makes the blind to see;
The sinner lost he came to save,
And set the prisoner free.

Come boldly to the throne of grace,
For Jesus fills the throne;
And those he kills he makes alive;
He hears the sigh or groan.
Poor bankrupt souls, who feel and know
The hell of sin within,
Come boldly to the throne of grace;
The Lord will take you in.


abbey said...

Pat - what a blessing that you guys had that time of fellowship each week! Good job being proactive about meeting with other believers and spuring one another on. Looking forward to hanging out when you finally get home!

Lizzy said...

Patty ~ awesome post!! sooo encouraging! glad you're back, too. (o: