Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Loving When It's Hard

"But Moses said to God, 'Who am I that I should go to Pharoah and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?' He said, 'But I will be with you..."
Exodus 3:11-12

I feel like God would say the same to me. He places such great dreams and visions in our hearts sometimes. These are His dreams and His heart. For me it is on the everday stage where it seems to begin. As I spend time with Him and walk in His Spirit, He will begin giving me this heart for something. Right now it is learning how to love people. He gives me a large-scale vision that inspiring and shows me the magnitude of how this could radically change my life. Then He gives me opportunities in the everday small things to begin living it out.
I've been convicted recently that if I'm ever going to be trusted with the big things and fulfill the grandness of the vision, I need to be faithful in the small everyday things. This is where it gets humbling because as I think about this, I realize the contrast of my pride and my weakness. I would presume myself worthy and capable of the grand vision and yet when faced with simple everyday leaps of faith, I find myself compromising and doubting. I am like Moses and say, "Who am I?" Does God not know who I am? He made me and is giving me a vision for a reason. But my Lord is so gracious even in the midst of my doubts and fears. He says, "But I will be with you." Without Him, I realize that I I can't even accomplish the smallest thing. I can't even love in the smallest way. To step out in faith everyday, I am learning that I must simply begin and end with His promise that He is with me.

Lord, help me not to be afraid when you lead me to step out in faith but rather to know you as a trusting child with his Father.

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