Friday, August 17, 2007

A Love For His Words

Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord' and not do what I tell you?
Luke 6:46

I have to say it has taken me this long to pick up the Bible and read one of the four Gospels and to sincerely treasure the words that Jesus speaks. Had I been tricked? Was I blinded my sin, namely pride? Or was I just lazy? I think it was a little or a lot of all these things. I would read and memorize verses and even chapters from Paul's letters and those of his fellow apostles but rarely would I read the words of Jesus in the four gospels unless, of course, a passage was referenced in one of the other books. I have been so prideful and so ignorant of my Savior. He lived his life and gave it freely that I might be set free and I have so sinfully ignored what he lovingly demands of my life.

I was recently convicted of this during a time when I failed to live out my faith. Falling short would not be an accurate depiction. Turning my back and wandering off would sum it up better. During my time of repentance, the Spirit graciously laid it on my heart to read through one of the gospels and one of the apostle's letters with the purpose of asking myself tough questions.

Is this really what you believe? Is it displayed in your life daily? If it's not, then why not? What's getting in the way? How could it be displayed more? If it is present in your daily life, is there a humility and joy that accompanies it?

These questions have helped reveal how serious I am about my faith and my joy-filled love for Jesus Christ. I have been reading in Luke, keeping in mind Psalm 19:7-10, and have been surprised by all that has been graciously shown to me so far. I can not write this post without saying that it is a pure joy and pleasure to read God's Word, namely the words of my Savior.

Today, reading in Luke 6, I read a verse that pretty much sums up why I am reading the Word with this purpose. Why do you call me 'Lord, Lord' and not do what I tell you? This was me and it still is in so many ways. Everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show you what he is like... Jesus goes on to talk about the familiar image of building you house on the rock. I can't ignore Jesus' words and I can't ignore following them and expect to have a solid foundation. By loving and treasuring his commands in my thoughts and actions, I am fixing my life on a foundation that is unwavering and will carry me into eternity.


Olivia said...

Hey Patrick,

This is Olivia--Mary Teal's long lost friend. I remember seeing you at her wedding. That's funny. I found your page because we both have Red Mountain Music under Favorite Music section in our profiles. I was looking for people maybe from our church, and yours popped up. I didn't realize you were out to sea. How long have you been shipped out? How much longer until you come home?
Take care and God bless--
Olivia Hamlin

patrick said...


Hey! I have been searching for neat blogs to read that way too lately. Funny that you stumbled upon mine in such a way. I've been out to sea since April 10th and get back November 9th! I check out your blog and have to say that your daughter looks so precious! Thanks for note and take care. I may comment on your blog every so often.

~Karen~ said...

I have a Blog now:)