Monday, March 12, 2007

Sunday Thoughts

"When thine eye is single, thy whole body is full of light."
Luke 11:34

How true are these words and how readily they are experienced. I was really distracted recently and this verse came alive in my mind. I began to apply it, making my eye single towards God, and felt the light of Christ flooding my thoughts and leaving me wondering how could I ever want to gaze on anything else. As I was worshipping today I had an image of an eye fixed on God in singleness and as light flooded into the eye, it began lighting up so many beautiful things. What a beautiful image of the truth that it is not our job to light up the dark and unknown places in our lives. Our only duty is to keep our eyes fixed on God and He will do the work of lighting up our lives.

Brett was talking in his message Sunday about the High Priest going in to the temple once a year to atone for people's sins and the fact that God tore the curtain top to bottom means that when can approach whenever we want! As I thought about this though, I realized that the problem is that I begin taking it for granted. After becoming accustomed to approaching God's presence, I find myself not feeling the weight of what I'm doing. I begin walking into His presence with eyes that wander instead of those that are fixed with reverence on the lasting beauty of my Savior.

There is so much beauty out there that captivates me! What is so precious about Christ's beauty is that it is lasting. One of the verses from the message today that came alive to me was from Hebrews 10:34.

" joyfully accepted the plundering of your property, since you knew that you yourselves had a better possession and an abiding one."

An abiding possession. There are so many possessions, material and sometimes even friends, that I clasp to tightly to my chest. In Christ though, I have a possession that I can clasp as tightly as I want and never let go! Then I can look at all the beauty in the world and all its possessions and say with the hymn writer, Jesus is fairer! Jesus is purer! Who makes the woeful heart to sing!

Lord, keep my eyes fixed on you. Let me never relax my embrace from you as my abiding possession. Thou, my soul's glory, joy, and crown.

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