Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Father's Love Overflowing Into Decision

Can man escape the value of his decisions?

I think very often I can downplay the importance of the decisions that I make. Part of this is wishful thinking. I see the consequences of my bad decisions and I want them to go away. If there's a way to reduce the value of the decisions I make, then I can have more peace of mind. The more I begin to think about the meaning and implications behind the things our culture says, the more I see strange some of it is. For example, we live in a culture that pumps our heads full of this message that we have the power to change the world, which implies that our decisions can really make a difference. And yet, when we are faced with the negative consequences of our decisions, people tell us that it's not a big a deal as we think it is and that everyone makes mistakes but what's important is that we get back up and keep believing in ourselves. This would be a really good thing except that most of the time it ends up being a mode of pacification that numbs the pain which is is actually good for me to feel because it's true. It's the natural pain that comes from making decisions that cause negative consequences. It is good to feel this pain deeply so that next time we don't want to make that decision again. I guess what I'm saying is that our culture seems to stress the value of our decisions when it's convenient and to downplay the value of our decisions when it's convenient. What needs to happen is for the value of decisions not to be romanticized or downplayed, subjected to one's own feelings, but to recognized for what they are: full of importance. Decisions do make a difference and there needs to be a reckoning of each individual with the decisions they make and the consequences of those decisions.

"So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. Then the eyes of both were opened and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths." Genesis 3: 6-7

Most reading this have heard a hundred messages on this passage. The one thread of this tapestry I want to focus on is the inherent value of a decision made in the present moment. You can get up right now from where you are reading this, go outside, and talk to the guy walking down the street. You could invite him over for dinner. You could punch him in the face. You could murder him. You could look him in the eyes and tell him that he's deeply loved. All of these things you can do in the present moment and there will be very real consequences to be experienced in the next present moment. Can you see the inherent value of decisions that is connected to your action but yet exists somehow outside of you? You don't get to decide the consequences. One action might leave you feeling guilty while the other action might leave you feeling happy and light of heart. Likely, you will not kill the man and feel happy and light of heart. There's is an inherent value to your decisions that you take part in but you can not change the value of that decisions. It exists outside of you.

You can see this thread of truth clearly in the verses that recount Eve's story. In a moment of time, just like we exist within now, Eve acted out the verb "to eat". She ate. The verse gives the reasoning behind why she ate and also gives the consequences that resulted of her eating. Her decision cannot be romanticized or downplayed. She would hear the very real voice of God moving among the trees and asking, "Where are you?" The voice resounded in the present moment and fell upon Eve's eardrums. "Where are you?" There is a reckoning to be made with each decision. There is a value to them that we cannot alter no matter what our friends or the culture says. This is a good thing. It is good because it is true.

It is a good thing for consequences to happen. In one sense, it is merely the ways things are. One could not appreciate the beauty of a movie unfolding if this truth of decisions and consequences did not exist. We are captivated by movies that depict a man or woman making decisions that have consequences. I think this seems so obvious that we don't realize we actually love watching action and consequence. We relate when we see a coming-of-age story about a boy who learns to be a man. The boy is learning about the consequences of decisions and how they impact both himself and those around him. He learns that they do in fact make a difference for good or for bad. Just like you see Eve make a decision based on what she saw was good, you see the boy in a story learn what is really good. His value comes in line with a standard that exists outside of himself. He learns to see what is good and he grows in making very real decisions that win battles or the love of a woman.

As I picture Eve's teeth sinking into the fruit in a very real present moment in time (not some fairytale), I feel the pain that she felt. For the first time she feels the feeling of shame and wants to cover herself and hide from God. It's the exact same shame that I feel after wrong decisions I make. When I made the decision, I thought I could alter the value of my decisions and control the consequences but I couldn't. Eventually there is the moment I have to respond to my friend who asks me, "How are things going with that girl?" The shame creeps over my skin and I begin physically fidgeting as I spill out the words. There is a reckoning that is happening and it is a good reckoning because I am coming to terms with the truth and value of things that exists completely outside of myself. I made a decision at a moment in time that had real consequences and they are consequences I must accept responsibility for.

We are all that boy in the coming-of-age story that we love and if we don't see ourselves that way, I hope we all can come to recognize ourselves as that boy. Eventually the boy comes face-to-face with a man who won't let him escape and keep defining his own terms. The man looks him in the eye and holds him accountable. The boy knows he can't mess around anymore or there will be consequences. At the same the time the man looks the boy in the eye and says, "You're valuable, you're loved, you're respected, your decisions make a difference, and you have to accept responsibility for all of them. The boy learns this as he walks alongside the man.

You can play all the games that our culture plays trying to redefine and redraw the lines that govern how we should make decisions and what the consequences should be but how have you seen this play out as you honestly examine your own life? How have you seen this play out as you examine the what you know of human history? Can man ultimately escape the consequences of decisions? They end up having a real effect upon the present moment and the man is responsible for causing that effect. Eve held the apple in her hand and made a decision. She brought it to her mouth and her teeth sunk in. Adam did the same. And then they ran. Isn't it haunting that such catastrophe with consequences we still feel today was incapsulated in a single moment of time and with the act of the human mouth biting into fruit? I see this so clearly in my own life. So much catastrophe encapsulated in one moment and they are things I am still haunted by. I assessed the fruit, saw that it was to my liking and took a bite. My decision mattered deeply.

I hope, in writing this, to encourage myself and you that decisions have unchanging value. Last week, I wrote about how the Father's love is meant to overflow into obedience. In light I what I write now, I think it will help to think of connecting our experience of the Father's love with our decision-making capacity, otherwise known as our "will". Most of our wills are very weak - I know mine is. Once we connect the Father's love to our will so that it influences our decision-making, we will find ourselves growing and maturing. We will find ourselves establishing ourselves in the love of God.

A good question to ask in closing is this: how does God define love? God shows his love for us in this, that even while we were sinners, Christ died for us. If this is how God defines love, how can we love in the same way? Can you make the opposite assessment of Eve and say, "I see that Jesus is good for food, that he is a delight to the eyes, and that he is to be desired for making one wise?" Then can you take a bite, in other words, make a decision in the present moment, with all of its' value and impending consequence, and say, "Even while those around me are sinners, I will die for them. I will go to great lengths to show them the love of God that has been shown to me?" Isn't this what it means to follow Christ? He said, "If you love me, you will obey my commandments." Then he said, "This is my commandment, that you love one another." He also said that all of the commandments were encapsulated in, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind and love your neighbor as yourself." You see how he is not letting you escape your day of reckoning? He is trying to reckon you with the Father's love. Will you recognize the value of the Father's love and the value of your decisions in the present moment? The two need to be connected and to cause you to make decisions in your present moment so that very real consequences will result. We can all do this. It's as simple as getting up and walking out the door. I'm starting to realize that the actual doing of things that is not that hard but it's really the act of deciding deciding to do them that is so hard. The Father's love is the spring of decision and action for the one who follows Jesus. It's a spring waiting for you to drink and like all water, it is nourishment to actually live.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

How To Follow Jesus

"As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full."
John15: 9-11

One today could see Jesus' call to obedience and immediately recoil at his words. For many us, we are so ashamed at how little we obey. We read a verse like this and retreat into a state of shame and despondency. We think, "Yes, he has loved me so much and yet I have obeyed so little. What kind of follower am I? Do I really even know Jesus?" And so we try to obey more but continue to fail. Believer, how deceived you have been by yourself and by the enemy of your soul. The problem is not that you do not obey, but that you have not truly experienced the Father's love through Jesus. You should leave from reading Jesus' words in this chapter with one thought, "I must love Jesus. I must abide in his love." That is all there is. Paul echoes this is 1 Corinthians 13 that if has not love, everything else is nothing.

For you, does not obedience exist as a limitation and restraint of your freedom? Has not the culture today conditioned you to think of obedience and submission in this way? When Jesus calls for obedience, you immediate think he is trying to limit your freedom and so you recoil and either stiffen your neck or become ashamed at your disobedience. Step back for a moment and look at the above verses. Obedience is tied together with love and joy, in fact it is sandwiched between the two. This then must be a different obedience than the one you have in your mind since the obedience in your mind is not connected with love and joy. Here we find the root of our problem with obedience. There is a beautiful interaction, an interplay between love, obedience, and joy that Jesus is bringing to life for us. See how he lived out his words: Love flows from the Father to Jesus and from Jesus to us and he showed us his love by laying his life down for us and and now he experiences joy as the fruit of his obedience. Would you follow him in this exact same way? Would you behold and experience the love of the Father through Jesus Christ until it becomes the motive for obedience and then enjoy the fruit of joy that appears afterwards. This is what it means to follow Jesus. How complicated the church has made following Jesus, adding to it things that were never meant to be added. If you're not really following him this simple way of love flowing into obedience flowing into joy, then today is the day.

Love has come from the Father to Jesus and from Jesus to you. Come before Jesus and ask him, "Let me know the love of the Father." Cry out to him from your heart. When your heart cries out to him in honest yearning, he turns to hear you. Turn your heart to him and say, "I want your love to be alive to my soul. I want to abide in it. I want it to be the air that I breathe. I want to want to obey and I know that once I have experienced your love, I will long to obey you. And in obeying you, dying to myself just like you did, I will be brought into the utter joy of being in your presence." Love in its' living way will flow through your heart and breathe out obedience which will bring forth the fruit of joy. This fruit is for you to eat and more leftover for those around you. And then it will be natural for you to lead others down the same road you traveled. They will have tasted the fruit and you will merely be showing them where it came from. The Father's love is the source. You can say, "I know the way to joy and it is through experiencing the love of the Father through Jesus Christ." Dying to yourself is painful but the love of the Father is the motivation, obedience is the practical walking out of that love, and joy is the fruit. It is fruit for you and fruit for others.

Do not recoil because Jesus calls you to obedience, thinking that it limits your freedom. That is a crafty lie form the enemy. If there were no laws in a country, its' citizens would devolve into chaos. Imagine no laws against stealing and killing and no traffic laws. That would not bring freedom. And so you can see how the laws of our country actually create an environment for freedom. But not just any laws create an environment for freedom; it's the right laws, the right limitations. Jesus is actually extending you freedom through these verses by giving you the right law: the law of the Father's love, embraced and lived out in obedience, bearing the natural fruit of joy. This is something living and beautiful. Shed the garments of shame that you are wearing because of your disobedience. Go to Jesus and do you know what? The Creator of the all things waits for you to shower his love on you, to wash your feet, to wipe your tears, to speak courage into the bottom of your heart, and to have you experience in a very real way: You are loved. As you abide his love more and more each day, you will find strength to walk in obedience. Stretch yourself in this way. If you find yourself struggling to obey in a situation, go to the Father and ask him to show you his love and make it real to you. Cry out to him from your heart and know that he hears you and will answer in his time. When you finally begin to obey on a daily basis, the fruit of joy will begin to appear on your branches.

The overarching theme of these verses is Jesus' desire for you to abide in his love. Would you continue trying to follow Jesus in a different way than abiding in his love, obeying as the overflow of that love, and experiencing the joy of his presence in your life? Jesus says to your heart today, "I long for you to abide in my love. I made you, I know you, and I love you. Abide in my love." What is your response? The ball is in your court. Every day you wake up and again Jesus says to you,

"As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full."

What is your response? He asks not for the assent of your mind or the nod of your heard. He asks for the casting of your complete being upon him. Either you will give it or you will not. He offers his love to you in the complete humility and naked vulnerability of a man naked and covered in your sin and hanging on the branches of a tree. That man says to your heart with the utmost fierceness and tenderness mixed together, "Abide in my love." Will you cast your complete being upon him? Will you begin engaging with his love and taking him seriously. He will do the work of changing you and transforming you and he will do it by revealing to you his love in a real way, overflowing into obedience by engaging the present moment with his love, and bringing forth the fruit of joy which will be tangibly sweet to both you and others. Our lives will change dramatically in the best of ways if we will submit to the right law, the law of Jesus' love, one day at a time. Today is our day to start. Step one: relentlessly pursue a real revelation of the Father's love in your life through Jesus.

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Psalm 150

Psalm 150

"Praise the Lord!
Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens!
Praise him for his mighty deeds;
praise him according to his exceeding greatness!

"Praise him with trumpet soundl
praise him with lute and harp!
praise him with strings and pipe!
Praise him with sounding cymbals;
praise him with loud clashing cymbals!
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!"

I was reading this Psalm this morning and I love heart behind it. David's basically saying the same thing in every single line but in different ways and with different words. And isn't that how we talk when we are caught up in the paroxysm of captivation by something wonderful? We spew out words with with a controlled, passionate, intentness. I also think it's possible to read this psalm and be estranged from it by its' natural foreignness. I don't have a trumpet or a lute or a harp or strings or a pipe or cymbals so I can't relate relate to this expression of praise.

This is not so foreign as I think though. I was reading in 1 Kings 1 where Solomon is anointed king and it gives a picture of people in Israel doing something similar to Psalm 150. David is in his old age and people are plotting to make Adonijah king since David hasn't declared his successor. Bathsheba and Nathan go to David, asking him to be true to his promise to make Bathsheba's son Solomon king. David gives them instructions and this is what follows:

"So Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah the son of Jehoida [one of David's greatest warriors], and the Cherethites and the Pelethites went down and had Solomon ride on King David's mule and brought him to Gihon. There Zadok the priest took the horn of oil from the tent and anointed Solomon. Then they blew the trumpet, and all the people said, "Long live King Solomon!" And all the people went up after him, playing on pipes, and rejoicing with great joy, so that the earth was split by their noise." 1 Kings 1:38-40

The earth was split by their noise. I like to literally imagine things as I read them and this was crazy to imagine. I thought about how what's happening with this celebration at Solomon's coronation is so similar to what I read in Psalm 150. What is significant to me was that this type of praise with pipes and rejoicing was the natural expression of the people in that culture. So you can read Psalm 150 and says, "This is unrelatable and it just makes me feel a weird guilt because I don't have a pipe or cymbal and no one would understand if I went rejoicing through the streets with my cymbal." Exactly. But the people in Israel's streets understood perfectly what was happening. This is what their natural expression was. It was the first thing they thought to do. It was their impulse. They rejoiced in their new king the best way they knew how. So what makes Psalm 150 so wonderful to read is the heart behind it and the imagination it sparks for its' readers in every culture in the world. The question I am left with is this: What is the natural outpouring and expression of a heart of praise in my culture? What is perfectly understood by people in our culture as an expression of praise? When you consider the wonderfulness of God is all his beautiful reality, what is the natural thing that you want to do? Do that. Of all the so-called "spiritual disciplines" which often have a soporific effect, it is interesting that Satan works to make rejoicing even more neglected than prayer.

And God really is a living and beautiful reality. If you don't see this, then all you have to do is look around. Look at the wonder of what he formed with his hands. The wind blows through the trees. Sinews and muscles move at a thought. Words of love pierce to the soul and fan its' flame so that at times it soars. Psalm 150 is not foreign. It is living and beautiful. When Paul says that scripture is living and active, most of us soften the meaning because we have heard it said so many times. But repetition does not in reality diminish the truth of something. It remains as true as ever. In fact, in every single case, the words God uses to communicate to us have more meaning lodged inside of them than we have the ability to grasp. This is the case every single time. The lack is on our part. And so we must use every cylinder and horsepower of our imaginative capability in order to grasp every living and beautiful facet of words that come straight from the heart of the Father who is a greater reflection even the best human father we could imagine. The problem is never that God's words are boring or unrelatable. In my life, I find that it is rather my imagination that is lacking and like a weak muscle, unexercised. The wings of imagination that are exercised daily in strength and agility will fly higher and see more. And the sky that is our wonderful Maker and Father is limitless in its expanse.

Psalm 148

"Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord from the heavens,
praise him in the heights!
Praise him, all his angels;
praise him all his hosts!

"Praise him, sun and moon,
praise him, all you shining stars!
Praise him you highest heavens,
and you waters above the heavens!"